Nicolino Locche: el intocable

Publié: 10 novembre 2009 par Nicolas Zeisler dans C'est notre pote
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Une des gloires de la boxe argentine au palmarès impressionnant de 103 victoires (14 par K.O.), 4 défaites et 1 no decision.

Nicolino Locche fit le bonheur des aficionados de boxe grâce à ses esquives inimitables et chaplinesques: pour toujours « intocable » (intouchable)

  1. sénanque dit :

    du jamais vu, chapo nicolino

  2. Csibi dit :

    well, he’s a street smart kid and has a lion heart .that cnooibatimn is rare .and in fact that’s the only thing a guy like him needs to be a good congressman!!!he got lots of political allies plus the pork barrel .he knows the pork barrel allows him to get brilliant advisers that will explain everything technical to him, a staff to do all his office works and good researchers to equipt him w/ the right informations .all he have to do now is make hard decisionsthe rest of the money goes to his people in saranggani i heard he is planning to build a big hospital there a remote province w/ a high end hospital? that’s somethingi just hope he wont try the presidency .i dont think he’s made for that level he’ll be crushed there!!!!i wont vote for him there!

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